Thursday, October 29, 2015

Homework 8: game analysis

Homework 8
Assigned: Thursday Oct. 29, 2015
Due: Friday Nov. 6, 2015

Repeat homework 6, applied to your own team's game. The analysis is individual and done on your blog. Address the following issues:

1) the Tetrad
2) Balance
3) Emergent properties (check the book out)
4) Interest curves (check out the book)
5) Explain the reasons you like or dislike the game and relate this to Game Design issues. 

Put this in your Blog. Each game will count for 50%.  Each of the 5 subtopics will count for 10 points (for each game), for a total of 100 possible points.

Do not forget to state your contributions to your Team's game and what you plan to do in the following week.

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