Thursday, October 27, 2016

Homework 10: Interfaces

Homework 10: Interfaces
Assigned: Thur. October 27
Due: Thur. November 15 (new date)
Late homeworks will not be accepted.

Read Chapter 15 of Book of Lenses 2nd Edition, or the appropriate chapter in the 1st edition.

Answer the following questions in your blog:

1) list ten examples of interfaces between people and the real world.
2) Give an example of a good interface between player and game. Explain why it is a good interface
3) Give an example of a poor interface between player and game. Explain why it is a poor interface

When answering 2) and 3) above, refer to the book chapter to justify why the interface is either good or bad. What principles of interface design is the game using or not using?

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Homework 9: balance

Homework 9: balance
Assigned: Oct. 20, 2016
Due: Oct. 27, 2016

For this homework, please read chapter 13 (Game Mechanics Must Be in Balance, book 2nd edition) (about 35 pages). The chapter describes 11 aspects of balance that often come into play and must be thought about in games to provide a good experience. Address each of these aspects as it relates to your own team game. Homeworks are individual. If a particular item does not apply, say so. Each item must be addressed, and the answer should use complete paragraphs. We will not accept telegraphic style.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Homework 8, from Blender to Unreal to Git

Homework 8, from Blender to Unreal to Git
Assigned: Thur. Oct. 13, 2016
Due: Thur. Oct. 20, 2016

In this homework, each of you will create one (or more) object(s) in Blender that will be a part of your team's game. You have total freedom in the creation of this object. In your blog, describe the function/role this object(s) plays in the game and how it will be used. Include at least two pictures of your object: one when the object is in Blender, and a second image of your object in Unreal.  Import your object into your scene in Unreal, "push" your Unreal project to your git repository, and finally, provide a picture with all your team objects in your scene in Unreal.

In summary:

1) create one or more objects in Blender (15 pts)
2) Import these into Unreal  (15 pts)
3) Describe how these objects are used in your game (use your blog). The description should be in English prose, with full sentences/paragraphs. (20 pts)
4) Include two pictures of your objects (one in Blender, one in Unreal) (15 pts)
5) Upload your Unreal project to Git (git push or use the Desktop interface) (20 pts)
6) Once all the team members have uploaded their project, "pull" your project from git, and take a picture of all the objects within your scene.  (15 pts)

Each component has equal importance in the scoring of this assignment

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Homework 7: populate git repository

Homework 7: populate git repository
Assigned: Thur. Oct. 6
Due: Thur. Oct. 20

Over the next two weeks, each member of each team will have created assets using one or more programs (photoshop, Blender, Unreal, Audacity, etc. ). Import your personal assets into Unreal (via one or more maps/scenes), and update the team git repository. At the end, you should all have the identical Unreal Project on your laptops.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Homework 6, Git repository

Homework 6
Assigned: Oct. 4, 2016
Due: Oct 6, 2016

Git is a source control framework that allows a team to share game assets. We will discuss source control as it relates to Unreal on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2016. To prepare, please do the following:

1) Create an individual Git account. at .
2) Create a team repository.
3) Add team members as collaborators on this account.
4) Post your account name and link to your repository on your blog.