Monday, August 26, 2013

Homework 1: First Blog Entry

Homework 1
: First Blog Entry
Assigned: Tue. Aug. 27, 2013
Due: Tue. Sept. 3, 2012

Your first assignment is:
  • Create a Blog at
    • email the name of the blog to the
      • Put gd2013 in the subject of the email
    • create a video with voiceover (your own voice) describing the content of the video.
    • upload this video to YouTube and copy the link
    • Create a blog entry with a link to this YouTube video and also add a few lines of text describing the content of this video. Also try to embed the video directly into the blog. 
    • Create a second blog entry that contains one or more images created by you. Include descriptions of each image in the blog entry. 
    • Provide at least two links to games that involve cities, city building, village building, house building, etc. (Do not include SimCity)
  • Install Blender 2.68 onto your computer. The download link can be found under Blender Resources
    • To help you, use one of the software programs listed at
    Use Google to figure out how to upload a video to Youtube. The video you create can be anything . No longer than 3 minutes, no shorter than 1 minute. Make sure I hear your voice on the video. 

    • Blog entry 1, maximum grade: 50
    • Blog entry 2, maximum grade: 50
    Bring your computer to class so you that we can work on Blender together.